
College Student Group asked a lawyer
*Sir, what does 'advocacy' mean?"*

Lawyer said:
*I will present an example for this!* 👇

*Suppose two people come to me, one is very clean and the other is very dirty. I advise both of them to get clean and take bath.*

*Now you guys tell me, who among them will take a shower ?? "*

One student said: *"The one who is dirty will take a shower."*

The lawyer said:

*No, but the clean person will do it, because he has the habit of bathing, while the dirty does not know the importance of cleaning*

*Lawyer :: Now tell who will take a shower ?? "*

The second student said: *Clean person*

The lawyer said:
*No, but the dirty person will take a bath because he is the one who needs cleaning.*

*Now tell who will take a shower ?? "*

Two students said: *"The one who is dirty will take a shower."*

The lawyer said:
*"No, but both will take a bath because the clean person has a habit of bathing, while the dirty one needs a bath.*

*Now tell who will take a shower ?? "*

Now three students speak together: *"Both of them will take a shower."*

The lawyer said:
*"Wrong, no one will take a bath, because dirty is not used to bathing, whereas clean one does not need to bathe*

*Now tell who will take a shower ?? "*

A student politely said:
*🙏🏻"Sir, you give a different answer every time and every answer seems to be correct. How do we know the correct answer ???"*

Lawyer said:
*This is just 'advocacy'! It is not important what the reality is*
*The important thing is, how many possible arguments can you offer to prove your point.* "
Take care.
