Law of Attraction - Step 1

Change your mindset from one of want and need to one of openness and possibility. Wealth and prosperity are a state of mind that can be attained by training the subconscious to welcome wealth with positive thinking rather than driving it away with negative messages.


A Touching Story

My wife called, 'How long will you be with that newspaper? Will you come here and make your darling daughter eat her food?'

I tossed the paper away and rushed to the scene. My only daughter Sindu looked frightened.

Tears were welling up in her eyes. In front of her was a bowl filled to its brim with Curd Rice. Sindu is a nice child, quite intelligent for her age. She has just turned eight. She particularly detested Curd Rice. My mother and my wife are orthodox, and believe firmly in the 'cooling effects' of Curd Rice! I cleared my throat, and picked up the bowl.

'Sindu, darling,why don't you take a few mouthful of this Curd Rice? Just for Dad's sake, dear.

Sindu softened a bit, and wiped her tears with the back of her hands.

'OK, Dad. I will eat - not just a few mouthfuls, but the whole lot of this.

But, you should...' Sindu hesitated. 'Dad, if I eat this entire curd Rice, will you give me whatever I ask for?'....

Oh sure, darling'.... 'Promise?'......... 'Promise'.

I covered the pink soft hand extended by my daughter with mine, and clinched the deal.

'Ask Mom also to give a similar promise', my daughter insisted.

My wife put her hand on Sindu's, muttering 'Promise'. Now I became a bit anxious.

'Sindu dear, you shouldn't insist on getting a computer or any such expensive items. Dad does not have that kind of money right now. OK?'

'No, Dad. I do not want anything expensive'.

Slowly and painfully, she finished eating the whole quantity.

I was silently angry with my wife and my mother for forcing my child eat something that she detested. After the ordeal was through, Sindu came to me with her eyes wide with expectation. All our attention was on her.

'Dad, I want to have my head shaved off, this Sunday!' was her demand.

'Atrocious!' shouted my wife, 'A girl child having her head shaved off? Impossible!' 'Never in our family!' my mother rasped.

'She has been watching too much of television. Our culture is getting totally spoiled with these TV programs!'

Sindu darling, why don't you ask for something else? We will be sad seeing you with a clean-shaven head.'

'No, Dad. I do not want anything else', Sindu said with finality.

'Please, Sindu, why don't you try to understand our feelings?'

I tried to plead with her.

'Dad, you saw how difficult it was for me to eat that Curd Rice'.

Sindu was in tears. 'And you promised to grant me whatever I ask for.

Now, you are going back on your words. Was it not you who told me the story of King Harishchandra, and its moral that we should honor our promises no matter what?'

It was time for me to call the shots.
'Our promise must be kept.'
'Are you out your mind?' chorused my mother and wife.

'No. If we go back on our promises, she will never learn to honor her own.

Sindu, your wish will be fulfilled.'

With her head clean-shaven, Sindu had a round-face, and her eyes looked big and beautiful.

On Monday morning, I dropped her at her school. It was a sight to watch my hairless Sindu walking towards her cl-assroom. She turned around and waved. I waved back with a smile. Just then, a boy alighted from a car, and shouted, 'Sinduja, please wait for me!'

What struck me was the hairless head of that boy.
'May be, that is the in-stuff', I thought. 'Sir, your daughter Sinduja  is great indeed!' Without introducing herself, a lady got out of the car, and continued,' That boy who is walking along with your daughter is my son Harish. He is suffering from... ... leukemia.' She paused to muffle her sobs.

Harish could not attend the school for the whole of the last month. He lost all his hair due to the side effects of the chemotherapy. He refused to come back to school fearing the unintentional but cruel teasing of the schoolmates.

'Sinduja visited him last week, and promised him that she will take care of the teasing issue.

But, I never imagined she would sacrifice her lovely hair for the sake  of my son! Sir, you and your wife are blessed to have such a noble soul as your daughter.'

I stood transfixed. And then, I wept. 'My little Angel, you are teaching me how self-less real love is!'

*The happiest people on this planet are not those who live on their own  terms but are those who change their terms for the ones whom they  love..*
Love Touch And Inspire your FRIENDS "The life is short, the vanities of world are transient but they alone live who live for others; the rest are more dead than alive.

Managing Director
PAL Vision Associates
12B5H, 12th Floor, Plaza Sungai Mas, 5th Mile Jalan Ipoh, 51200 Kuala Lumpur.
Hp: +60123063994 Off: +60379635075 Fax: +60367315603

Another blonde joke.

One hot summer day, a blonde came to town with her dog, tied it under the shade of a tree, and headed into a restaurant for something cold to drink..

Twenty minutes later, a policeman entered the restaurant and asked, 'Who owns the dog tied under that tree outside?'

The blonde said it was hers.

'Your dog seems to be in heat' the officer said.

The blonde replied, 'No way. She's cool 'cause she's tied up under that shade tree.'

The policeman said, 'No! You don't understand. Your dog needs to be bred.'

'No way,' said the blonde. 'My dog doesn't need bread. She isn't hungry 'cause I fed her this mornin.'

The exasperated policeman said, 'NO! You don't understand. Your dog wants to have sex!'

(You gotta love this)

The blonde looked at the cop and said, 'Well, go ahead. I always wanted a police dog.'

Lovely Logics

Have A Nice Day !
Take care..
PAL Vision Associates
H/P:0123063994 Off:03-79635075 Fax:03-67315603
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Have A Nice Day !

Take care..



PAL Vision Associates ,

H/P:0123063994 Off:03-79635075 Fax:03-67315603

Address: 12B5H, Plaza Sungai Mas, 5th Mile Jalan Ipoh, 51200 Kuala Lumpur ç Click here to subscribe to PalVision Mailing List


Breast Feeding Causes Traffic Jam

Breast Feeding Causes Traffic Jam

Breast Feeding in Public Causing Traffic Jam


I sometimes worry about the way you think!

Life is short. Smile while you still have your teeth.


Wonderfully described

CIGARETTE: A pinch of tobacco rolled in paper with fire at one end and a fool at the other! 

MARRIAGE: It's an agreement wherein a man loses his bachelor degree and a woman gains her master 

LECTURE: An art of transmitting Information from the notes of the lecturer to the notes of students without passing through the minds of either 

CONFERENCE: The confusion of one man multiplied by the number present 

COMPROMISE: The art of dividing a cake in such a way that everybody believes he got the biggest piece 

TEARS: The hydraulic force by which masculine will power is defeated by feminine water-power! 

CONFERENCE ROOM: A place where everybody talks, nobody listens and everybody disagrees later on 

ECSTASY: A feeling when you feel you are going to feel a feeling you have never felt before 

CLASSIC: A book which people praise, but never read

SMILE: A curve that can set a lot of things straight! 

OFFICE: A place where you can relax after your strenuous home life 

YAWN: The only time when some married men ever get to open their mouth 

EXPERIENCE: The name men give to their Mistakes 

DIPLOMAT: A person who tells you to go to hell in such a way that you actually look forward to the trip 

OPTIMIST: A person who while falling from EIFFEL TOWER says in midway "SEE I AM NOT INJURED YET!" 

MISER: A person who lives poor so that he can die RICH! 

FATHER: A banker provided by nature 

BOSS: Someone who is early when you are late and late when you are early 

POLITICIAN: One who shakes your Hand before elections and your Confidence later 

DOCTOR: A person who kills your ills by pills, and kills you by his bills!


A man suffered a serious heart attack while shopping in a store.The store clerks Called 911 when they saw him collapse to the floor.

The paramedics rushed the man to the nearest hospital where he had emergency
Open heart bypass surgery.

He awakened from the surgery to find himself in the care of nuns at the
Catholic   Hospital. A nun was seated next to his bed holding a clipboard
Loaded with several forms, and a pen. She asked him how he was going to
Pay for his treatment.

"Do you have health insurance?" she asked.

He replied in a raspy voice, "No health insurance."

The nun asked, "Do you have money in the bank?"

He replied, "No money in the bank."

Do you have a relative who could help you with the payments?" asked the
Irritated nun.

He said, "I only have a spinster sister, and she is a nun."

The nun became agitated and announced loudly, "Nuns are not spinsters!
Nuns are married to God."

The patient replied, "Perfect. Send the bill to my brother-in-law."

This cracked me up

Church Bulletins

Ladies with typewriters. These sentences apparently appeared in church  bulletins or were announced at church services:

The Fasting & Prayer Conference includes meals.
Scouts are saving aluminium cans, bottles and other items to be recycled. Proceeds will be used to cripple  children.
The sermon this morning: 'Jesus Walks on the Water.'The sermon tonight:' Searching for Jesus.'
Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale. It's a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Bring your husbands.
Don't let worry kill you off - let the Church help.
Miss Charlene Mason sang 'I will not pass this way again,' giving obvious pleasure to the congregation.
For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs.
Next Thursday there will be try-outs for the choir. They need all the help they can get.
Irving Benson and Jessie Carter were married on October 24 in the church. So ends a friendship that began in their school days.
A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall. Music will follow..
At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be 'What Is Hell?' Come early and listen to our choir practice.
Eight new choir robes are currently needed due to the addition of several new members and to the deterioration of some older ones.
Please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased person you want remembered..
The church will host an evening of fine dining, super entertainment and gracious hostility.
Pot-luck supper Sunday at 5:00 PM - prayer and medication to follow.
The ladies of the Church have cast off clothing of every kind. They may be seen in the basement on Friday afternoon.
This evening at 7 PM there will be a hymn singing in the park across from the Church. Bring a blanket and come prepared to sin.
The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the Congregation would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday.
Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 PM . Please use the back door.
The eighth-graders will be presenting Shakespeare's Hamlet in the Church basement Friday at 7 PM .. The congregation is invited to attend this
Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM at the First Presbyterian Church. Please use large double door at the side entrance.



 A drunken man who smelled of beer sat down on a subway next to a priest.
The man's tie was stained, his face was plastered with red lipstick, and a half-empty bottle of gin was sticking out of his torn coat pocket. He opened his newspaper and began reading.

After a few minutes the man turned to the priest and asked, "Say Father, what causes arthritis?"

The priest replies, "My Son, it's caused by loose living, being with cheap, wicked women, too much alcohol, contempt for your fellow man, sleeping around with prostitutes and lack of a bath"

The drunk muttered in response, "Well, I'll be damned", then returned to his paper.

The priest, thinking about what he had said, nudged the man and apologized. "I'm very sorry. I didn't mean to come on so strong.
How long have you had arthritis?"

The drunk answered, "I don't have it, Father. I was just reading here that the Pope does."




The roots of the word have been defined as follows: super- "above", cali- "beauty", fragilistic- "delicate", expiali- "to atone", and docious- "educable", with the sum of these parts signifying roughly "Atoning for educability through delicate beauty."

It can be defined as "something to say when you have nothing to say".


During a robbery in Guangzhou , China , the bank robber shouted to everyone in the bank:

"Don't move. The money belongs to the State. Your life belongs to you."


Everyone in the bank laid down quietly.


This is called "Mind Changing Concept”


Changing the conventional way of thinking.


When a lady lay on the table provocatively, the robber shouted at her:

"Please be civilised! This is a robbery and not a rape!"


This is called "Being Professional”

Focus only on what you are trained to do!


When the bank robbers returned home, the younger robber (MBA trained) told the older robber (who has only completed Year 6 in primary school):

"Big brother, let's count how much we got."


The older robber rebutted and said:

"You are very stupid. There is so much money it will take us a long time to count. Tonight, the TV news will tell us how much we robbed from the bank!"


This is called "Experience”

Nowadays, experience is more important than paper qualifications!


After the robbers had left, the bank manager told the bank supervisor to call the police quickly. But the supervisor said to him:

"Wait! Let us take out $10 million from the bank for ourselves and add it to the $70 million that we have previously embezzled from the bank”.


This is called "Swim with the tide”

Converting an unfavorable situation to your advantage!


The supervisor says: "It will be good if there is a robbery every month."


This is called "Killing Boredom”

Personal Happiness is more important than your job”.


The next day, the TV news reported that $100 million was taken from the bank. The robbers counted and counted and counted, but they could only count $20 million.


The robbers were very angry and complained:

"We risked our lives and only took $20 million. The bank manager took $80 million with a snap of his fingers. It looks like it is better to be educated than to be a thief!"


This is called "Knowledge is worth as much as gold!"


The bank manager was smiling and happy because his losses in the share market are now covered by this robbery.


This is called "Seizing the opportunity”
Carpe  diem or Daring to take risks!


So who are the real robbers here?





The Golden Years

The Golden Years

The Golden Years

The Golden Years

The Golden Years

The Golden Years

The Golden Years

The Golden Years



A young man sprinkling his lawn and bushes with pesticides

wanted to check the contents of the barrel to see how much

pesticide remained in it.  He raised the cover and lit his lighter;

the vapors inflamed and engulfed him.  He jumped from his truck,

screaming.  His neighbor came out of her house with a dozen eggs,

yelling: "bring me some eggs!"  She broke them, separating the whites

from the yolks.  The neighbor woman helped her to apply the

whites on the young man's face.  When the ambulance arrived

and when the EMTs saw the young man, they asked who

had done this.  Everyone pointed to the lady in charge.

  They congratulated her and said: "You have saved his face."

  By the end of the summer, the young man brought the lady a

bouquet of roses to thank her.  His face was like a baby's skin.


Healing Miracle for burns:

Keep in mind this treatment of burns which is included in

teaching beginner fireman this method.  First aid consists

to spraying cold water on the affected area until the heat is

reduced and stops burning the layers of skin.  Then, spread egg whites

on the affected are.

One woman burned a large part of her hand with boiling water.

  In spite of the pain, she ran cold faucet water on her hand,

separated 2 egg white from the yolks, beat them slightly and

dipped her hand in the solution.  The whites then

dried and formed a protective layer.

She later learned that the egg white is a natural collagen and

continued during at least one hour to apply layer upon layer of

beaten egg white.  By afternoon she no longer felt any pain and

the next day there was hardly a trace of the burn.  10 days later,

no trace was left at all and her skin had regained its normal color. 

The burned area was totally regenerated thanks to the

collagen in the egg whites, a placenta full of vitamins.

This information could be helpful to everyone: